Alma Analytics Overview
Alma Analytics
Alma Analytics is an add-on tool that extends the basic reporting functions in Alma. It's build on Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Editions (OBIEE) and uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to extract data and compile reports and analyses.
Many "reports" are available as the results of basic or advanced searches in Alma itself, but Analytics provides searching and analysis at a deeper or more complex level.
Harvard Staff Documentation
- Alma Analytics Overview
- Introduction to the new Analytics user interface in Alma
- Running Reports in the Analytics menu in Alma
- How to access Alma Analytics
- Analytics Best Practices
- User Preferences
- Analytics Terminology and Structure
- Analytics menu bar
- Folder structure in Alma Analytics
- Run & Modify a Shared Analysis
- Create a New Analysis
- Filters
- Column Properties
- Formula Basics
- Advanced Formulas
- Prompts
- Report Layout
- Data updates in Analytics
- Local Param Fields in Analytics - Mapping Guide
- Analytics Known Issues
- Non-Transactional Analytics Anonymization
- Dashboards - DRAFT
- Alma Analytics menu - Introduction
- Alma Analytics menu - Pin your favorites
- Alma Analytics menu - Run reports & export results
- Alma Analytics menu - Shared With Me
- Alma Analytics menu - Subscribing (and unsubscribing) to a scheduled report
- Analytics and Reporting Working Group Drop-in session recordings
Field Descriptions by Subject Area
- Local Param fields - Harvard mappings
- Shared Dimensions across Subject Areas
- Physical Items and Physical Items Historical Events
- Titles (bibliographic level) and Events (record change events)
- Fulfillment, Requests, Users, and Fines and Fees
- E-inventory
- Funds Expenditure
- Borrowing and Lending Requests (Resource Sharing/ILL)
- Usage, Cost Usage, and Link Resolver Usage
- Field descriptions for all subject areas
Learn More About Alma Analytics
Alma Analytics is a robust tool with many features, and you'll learn best by doing. Use these resources to guide you as you practice creating and running analyses.
Harvard Training
Analytics Overview - Online Training Module
Reporting Discussion Group
Subscribe to the Reporting Discussion Group at Harvard
The HL-reporting-discussion list is used for internal communication between Harvard library staff engaged in activities related to reporting and/or analyses, across Harvard’s available systems, including work done in Alma Analytics and Cognos. The list is intended for informal peer support: asking questions, troubleshooting, sharing discoveries, exploring tools and resources, and other discussions about reports, analyses, and their use in Harvard library.
The Harvard Library's Reporting Discussion Group co-conveners serve as moderators. Subscription requests are approved by list owners and moderators.
Ex Libris Training & Documentation
Introduction to Alma Analytics, video overview, 17 min
Introduction to Alma Analytics and Terminology, documentation overview
Additional topics in Alma Analytics, video tutorials, range from 8 min to 29 min
Analytics documentation, support documents
Common Alma Analytics Procedures, tip sheets
Presentations and Documents on Analytics, PowerPoint presentations and PDFs, many by Ex Libris staff and some by other libraries
Support Materials from Other Libraries
University of Western Australia Introduction to Ex Libris Alma Analytics (rev. 2015)
University of Minnesota Alma Analytics wiki page
Alma Analytics Training Series, video series by Lisa Bartle, Coordinator of Collection Development at California State University: San Bernardino
"And You Thought Your Were Nerdy!" Fun with Alma Analytics (ELUNA 2019 presentation) by Lisa Hamlett, Application Support Analyst II at Emory University
Off-the-Grid Reporting: A Few Handy Reports in Alma Analytics (ELUNA 2019 presentation) by Mike Rogers, Enterprise Systems Manager, University of Tennessee