Report Layout

Report Layout

To work on the layout, work in the Results tab of the analysis. Do this after you have finished setting all the criteria, added filters and formulas, set user prompts, and fully developed your analysis.

Layout Overview

There are two parts to layout of your results: the Compound Layout and an individual Layout work area.

The Compound Layout work area shows you how the results of your analysis will look to the user. You can add, remove, edit, and move each View (or piece of the layout) individually, and use the toolbar at the top to create new Views or format the analysis as a whole.

A Layout work area is for a single View at a time. Each View has a grey, dotted title bar with a menu for that View, and a workspace below. You use the menu for the View to edit that View.

Results are Dynamic!

The areas on the left - Subject Areas, Catalog, and Views - allow you to continue to add new elements to your analysis. If you add a new column, the results will try to refresh as soon as you add it. This may result in an error or a long delay as it re-calculates results. If you get stuck, cancel the refresh and click back to the Criteria tab to remove the problematic column.

In Layout you can move columns using a drag-and-drop technique:

  • Views can be rearranged by dragging them above, between, or below other views
  • Table columns can be rearranged, or dropped into areas for Sections, Table Prompts or Excluded
  • Elements of other visualizations (graphs, charts, etc.) can be moved

Types of Views / Layout Options

Different types of views add different elements to the final layout of a report, and each can be edited and configured separately.


The Title view contains the title of the analysis and descriptive information about it, including when it was run (most recently). Click on the pencil icon to edit this view.


The Table view includes the columns from your analysis that you have chosen to display. You can modify some display settings for each column in the Criteria tab, and others here in the Results tab.

Click on the pencil icon to edit the table itself, and the Table Properties icon to change the way the table is displayed.

Right-click on a column in the Table to show additional options available for that specific column. These include adding calculated Items, creating additional sorting and filtering functions, moving columns, and more.

Pivot Tables

Pivot tables display summarized data based on user preferences. As with formulas, Excel pivot table knowledge is beneficial in working with Analytics pivot tables.

New Analysis Example (continued)

In the example analysis, adding a pivot table is useful because it eliminates repeated rows for library and year, formatting them as axes with statistics in a table (rather than a list).

To create a pivot table:

  1. Add a new column at the right, using dimension Item Creation Date > attribute Item Creation Year
  2. Click on the New view icon and choose Pivot Table.
  3. Scroll down below the Table view and the results of the pivot table will be visible.
  4. The default results view can be further modified in Layout.
    1. Select Edit View (pencil) icon in the Views section.
    2. Drag the Library Name column from Pivot Table Rows to the Excluded area at the bottom of the work area to summarize results by Item Creation Year only.
  5. Click the Done button in the top right.
  6. Save the pivot table by clicking on the + icon to Add View.

To delete the pivot table, select Table from Views and clicking on the x icon.



Charts & Graphs

Charts or graphs can be created in a similar way by starting with a table in Results tab and selecting a new view for graph.

New Analysis Example (continued)

To create a pie chart for each of the three measurement fields in the Compound Layout work area:

  1. Click on New view
  2. Hover over Graph, then choose the type of graph you want to add. In this case, add a Pie chart. The system will take a moment to generate the graph and add it below the other views.
  3. Once the graph appears, click on the Edit View (pencil) icon for the graph layout.
  4. To focus on the Percentage of items loaned, drag the other measurement columns to Excluded

  5. When finished with the graph, click on Done.
  6. Repeat with the other two measurement fields, leaving the one to be highlighted and dragging the others to the Excluded section.


Once a graph is created, you can easily change it to a style that uses the same number of variables (e.g., pie chart to bar graph), and switch from 2D to 3D, using the options that appear on the toolbar in Edit View mode.