Location-based fulfillment policy

Location-based fulfillment policy

  • The initial scope of the project has changed (pared down) from using a true location-based policy to allowing items with blank policy to circulate like 01 (regular/semester/term loan items). Corinna believes this will save a great deal of processing time as the majority of items at HVD are coded as 01.Ā 
  • We confirmed with Relais (Borrow Direct) that it is possible to code items with null item policy in Alma the same as "01" and lendable in Borrow Direct. There do not appear to be any further potential implications (Resource sharing or otherwise) for allowing null item policy items to circulate the same as items with 01 policy.
  • We do know that some libraries haven't been following best practices and have purposefully been leaving item policy blank (a current request and loan rule the Alma TOU config blocks these items from request/loan; this will be removed). Libraries who do this will have to clean up their items.
  • Overall, Corinna would like to move this project to the open meeting phase at this point and does not feel that a one-library pilot is necessary (given the much more limited scope). Our feeling is that this process change is fairly simple to correct if it doesn't ultimately result in more efficiency (a job to update items with blank policy to be 01 can be run), and that this is a relatively low-risk project. We'd like to set the meeting for early November.