Timeline for Restarting Fulfillment Services

Opening Tasks

TaskDependencies/ConsiderationsTarget DateCompletion DateNotes

Allow requests on items in process?

  • In transit (turned on 1/10/22)
  • Acquisition (turned on 6/8/22)
  • In Process (turned on 6/8/22)
  • Technical Migration (turned on 6/8/22)
  • Claimed returned – tbd
  • Hold shelf – tbd
  • Loan – tbd
  • Lost – tbd
  • Lost resource sharing item – tbd
  • Lost and paid – tbd
  • Missing – tbd
  • Requested – tbd
  • Resource sharing request – tbd
  • Can allow on some process types and not others (e.g. don't allow on acquisition or loan, but allow on in transit)
    • Evaluate after libraries are open
    • ITS requests this waits until winter break
See dates under "task" column

1/10/22: turned on requesting for in-transit items

6/8/22: turned on requesting for acquisition, in process, and technical migration


  • Shortened Due Date Letter (can remain off, per consultation with SB)
  • Courtesy Letter (7-day; already on)
  • Overdue Notice Letter (sent on due date) Turned on 
  • Loan Status Notice (aka recall; turned on 1/11/22)
  • Ful Overdue And Lost Loan Letter (target date = 3/2/22, in parallel with "Turn on Overdue and Lost loan job" task)

  • Action: KY Investigate--may not be able to turn on overdue notices without turning on the overdue/lost job
    • confirmed, it is controlled by the job, which is currently off
    • when turning the job on, can you set it to apply to a certain date forward? A: No. Options are as follows:
      • Wipe fines and fees. See options.
      • Use the Loans overdue status update job to mark loans in the system so that any existing overdue items aren't affected by the job. Then turn the job on it will only apply to items that meet the criteria going forward.
See dates under "task" column2/10/22: 
  • Overdue Notice Letter (sent on due date) Turned on 

Run notice job to notify students of overdue items (no bills generated yet)
  • Need text of letter and IDs of students to message by 2/14

Turn on Overdue and lost loan job

  • Retrospective cleanup of missing, lost, and claims returned items
  • Confirm that job is still running to mark items as lost at 45 days overdue- do we want to resume billing for these items
    • Job is currently off and needs to be turned on 
    • Claim returned items are not part of the job (do not go to lost/get billed)
    • Will need approval. TBD

Billing feed is turned off: AR/Termbill

  • Job runs on Sundays
  • Old problem transactions in XML file
    • Tom needs to approve this prior to moving forward
    • LTS has zeroed out this file
  • Are there stale student fines/fees sitting in Alma? Assess before turning back on
    • Yes there are
    • Wipe everything except for this semester? Needs approval
  • Will need to turn on Ful Overdue And Lost Loan Letter when this gets turned back on
    • Amy to check with Tom Becker
      • Steve will work with Tom
      • Still need a termbill code for SEC (SB)
  • Jason had asked for some changes to generate more meaningful invoices to the libraries that are being billed – this should not impact anything beyond billing RS Institutions

Goal: run on 3/6 for the first time 

  • Determine go/no go by 2/23/22
    • KY notifies Benson
    • Decision is made regarding old fines/fees waiving/not waiving
  • AR turns on first (3/6/22) And items marked LOST on 3/2 would not be closed in Alma for 30 days (AR only)
  • Termbill turns on 3/27

Billing for lost equipment
  • Investigate whether it can be done for certain material types/libraries (equipment)
    • Replacement fees can vary by fulf
Revisit in 2022

Term due date
  • Keep the regular schedule 
  • Keep max renewal and revisit later 

Revisit in 2022

Recalls on or off

Why (use cases)

  • Items needed for RES digitization
    • We can use existing work order and set it to "recall loans"
    • Reset recall loan period to X days
    • Make work orders higher priority for requesting? - not sure if this is necessary or not
    • Turn back on patron notifications for requested items (for this work order and for temp move requests) - need to adjust language
    • Action: Amy will communicate with Library Directors and KY will wait to hear back before implementing any of this
  • ITS wants to be able to request some items for staff to work on
    • Requesting is either available for everyone or no one–if turned on, patrons could make requests that then ITS would have to route, scale unknown
    • Could turn on requests by process type (e.g. just acquisitions)
    • If requesting isn't an option, Work Orders and Temp Moves might also be applied?
    • Action: CW will share with ITS staff and report back
  • Others?
    • Important text that no one else has a copy

Off for now

  • Investigate mediated recalls 
Currently off; RES Work order in place for that work; will revisit laterRESSCAN work orders recall turned on 1/11/22

Future Action:

If we ever turn on other recalls, these things will need to be reviewed:

  • Review notice options
    • Shortened Due Date Letter
    • Loan Status Notice
  • Language in the recall notice
  • Grace period for fines

Overdue fines

  • Short loans (11s, etc.)
  • Recalls (n/a while recalls are off)
  • Leave Short Loans/11s as is (currently on and accumulating in Alma)
  • Recalls (currently on and accumulating in Alma)
    • Patron generated: currently inactive
    • RES Work Order:
      • 7 days to return
      • Overdue fines will accrue in Alma, but don't get transferred to AR or TB (set to a 5-day grace period before fines start accumulating from previous 3-day grace period for Fixed Date TOU)
      • Notice currently has "reserves" language – unfortunately all recall notices (regardless how it is generated, work order vs patron request) use the same language, so this will need to be looked at if we turn on other recalls in the future
Currently accumulating in Alma1/12/22

Future Action:

If we ever turn on other recalls, these things will need to be reviewed:

  • Review notice options
    • Shortened Due Date Letter
    • Loan Status Notice
  • Language in the recall notice
  • Grace period for fines

LAM pickup service returning to hold shelf model

  • Maintain a pickup service for folx who don't want to or can't enter the building
  • Impact on book mailing–moving it to a different library? Personal Delivery option?
  • Aug 26th grab & go will physically move within LAM
    • Create a new hold shelf for grab and go for 8/30
    • Need transitional language for notice
    • Need language for pickup location/library
      • Amy to finalize name
      • Jason will make ILL/BD updates
      • HTC will need to add as a new delivery loc (notify HD/RD- Leila)
      • Kara to notify Tim/Benson for script changes
    • Will need login forms for circ desk
    • Open on 8/30
  • Aug 30th resume regular LAM hold desk
  • Countway will remain as-is for now
  • Book mailing turning off 8/30- but need to move book mail service over to a WID circ desk instead of LAM (possibly, TBD)
    • Requires updating notices for bookmail (on hold shelf notification and loan receipt)
    • Touch base with Julie/Steve on how to move forward
  • Book pickup option through at least October 4th
  • Turn off LAM Grab&Go as pickup location 9/30
  • Countway Grab&Go will be on until Summer 2022 at least

Turn on circulation desks

Includes configuring "deliver to" setting for all libraries (so that items are eligible for p/u at circ desk)

  • Time to reshelve
    • Leave setting for now
    • Libraries will make determination based on need
    • Lamont will remain one week for now
  • Hold shelf time
    • 14 days
  • Hold shelf processing?
    • Turn on HKS hold shelf processing

HKS: 8/2
LAW: 8/12
WID, DIV, GUT, DES, BAK*: 8/23
All other FAS & SBR: 8/30

*BAK date confirmed on 8/18 during ELT meeting

WOL: 9/29
SEC: 8/30?

ACQ625: 9/30


Updates to on Hold Shelf notification 

Delivers to patron when hold is activated

  • Access will send updated language for hold notices
    • Prior to 8/23
  • Replace language currently in place for regular hold shelves
    • Will have to revisited as other libraries join that are not on the schedule
    • Keep BER as is
  • Special hold shelves will have customized notices

HKS: 8/2
LAW: 8/12
WID, DIV, GUT, DES: 8/23
All other FAS: 8/30

Requests for 02s and other non-01 item policies
  • HKS will go live (8/2) without changes to existing eligible items
  • Turn on in-lib use rule on 8/24 TBD


Harvard direct eligible patrons

Leave COVID changes in place (approved)

  • Amy to check with Suzanne
    • Proposal going forward in September prior to locations being opened to visitors (target date October)
  • KY to re-active requesting 01 and 02 for library guests/visiting researchers (9/28 per ticket from Francesca/chat with Amy)
Turn on requesting for any other request-eligible status
  • Right now only policy 01/blank policy items are requestable
  • item policy 61...others?
  • Turn on requesting 8/30

Harvard Library Locations Opening Schedule

Roadmap for Onsite Access by Patron Group