Item Policy standardization and documentation

Item Policy standardization and documentation

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FUWG Project Name: Item Policy standardization and documentation

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Brief description of project

Reduce and standardize the number of item policies in Alma. Communicate the changes to the larger community.

  1. Original Changes proposed (June 2018)



    What this looks like in Alma/HOLLIS now (TOU rules based on original item policy)

    Regular Loan  (01)

     Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan

    In-library use (02)

     Requestable home library only/In-Library use (does not circ)

    Overnight loan (03)

    No longer used? 75 items, mostly CABRequestable home library only/Semester loan

    Restricted loan (04)

    In-library use (02) 144 K items, LAW has most

    Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan

    28-day loan (e-reader only) (08)

    Regular Loan  (01). 27 items (LAM)

    Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan

    1-hour loan (09)

    3-hour loan (11)

    Not requestable/3 hour loan

    2-hour loan (10)

    3-hour loan (11)  (gut, div, bak)

    Not requestable/3 hour loan

    3-hour loan (11)

    Becomes standard reserves periodNot requestable/3 hour loan

    3-hour loan (12)

    3-hour loan (11)

    Not requestable/3 hour loan

    4-hour loan (13)

    Regular Loan (01) Used by MUS

    Requestable home library only/3 hour loan

    3-hour loan (14)

    3-hour loan (11)

    Not requestable/3 hour loan

    24-hour loan (19)

    1-day loan (20) (cabot sandbox equip). Deprecate rule 19/24-hr loan.

    Not requestable/1 day loan

    1-day loan (20)

     Keep and move 19s to 20.Requestable home library only/1 day loan

    2-day loan (21)

    Regular Loan  (01) (cab maps)

    Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan

    3-day loan (22)

    Regular Loan  (01) unless collection is permanent reserve.
    If collection is permanent reserve (39 or so LAW items only), 3-hour loan (11)

    Requestable home library only/3 day loan
    LAW RES: Not requestable/3-day loan

    4-day loan (23)

    Regular Loan  (01)

    Requestable home library only/Semester Loan

    7-day loan (24)

    Lamont and WID should be moved to Regular Loan (01)-
    not sure if this is everything or just DVDs
    Everything else stays and we keep 7-day loan.

    Requestable home library only/1 week loan

    10-day loan (25)

    1-day loan (20) 46 items.

    Requestable home library only/Semester Loan

    14-day loan (26)

     Keep (2 week loan)Requestable home library only/2 week loan

    Regular Loan (28)

    Regular Loan  (01)

    Requestable/Semester loan

    Resource Sharing (41)

    Keep- regular resource sharing periodResource sharing only/20 weeks

    Interlibrary Loan - in-lib use (42)

    Keep- In-library use resource sharingResource sharing only/Varies

    Regular Loan (61)

    convert CAB to Regular Loan  (01). Req for pickup in owning library only. Term loans.

    Requestable home library only/Semester loan

    In-library use (62)

    req for home library but not scan and del (known by Resource Sharing to avoid this policy)

    Requestable home library only/In-library use only

    In-library use (63)

    not req? (in past used for pres review) Maybe we can depricate?

    Requestable home library only/In-library use only

    7-day loan (64)

    KeepRequestable home library only/1 week loan

    Ask at Circulation Desk (72)

    In-library use (62)

    Requestable home library only/In-library use only

    Regular loan (81)

     Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan

    In-library use (82)

    Becomes 62? Not sure where this came from. It did go out from Laura Wood on 6/22/18,
    but is not in my notes. 56 items
    Requestable all libraries/In-library use only

    Suppressed (88)

     Not requestable/not loanable

    Special Collections (91)

    Requestable via AeonRequest only via Aeon/10-day reading room loan

    Ask at Circulation Desk (92)

      Not requestable/In-library use only

    Ask at Circulation Desk (93)

     Not requestable/In-library use only

    3rd Floor Secure Reading Room (94)

     Requestable all libraries/In-library use only

    Ask at Judaica Division (95)

     Not requestable/In-library use only

    Pick-up in Newspapr/Mic ReadRm (96)

    keepRequestable home library only/In-library use only

    Special Collections (97)

    Used for non-requestable Aeon itemsNot requestable/not loanable

    In-library use (98)

     Requestable all libraries/In-library use only
  2. Most of the policy changes have been accomplished via TOU config. I haven't removed any of the old item policies, but we need to start cleaning these up. We need to decide what, if anything, in the current configuration needs to change, and what the rollout/communication plan for these changes should be.

Information gathering

May 28, 2020 FWG meeting updates:

  • Good to Go for batch flipping: if people don't like the changes that were made, we have record of what was changed so it can always be changed again

July 16, 2020 FWG meeting updates:

  • Kara has flipped things sent to her by Spruill (the exceptions)
  • Everything else can be flipped according to the approved recommendations
  • People are still using retired item policies

Analysis of options


CompleteTurn off superseded policies in Sandbox for testing
Will not do see below.

Find out if we can delete a policy while items still have the policy


I have done this with Overnight Loan (03), and it appears this is possible to do. However, anything without a matching Item Policy displays as a regular loan in Alma, so we will need to update all items then remove the item policy.

Create an order, in Sandbox, with a no-longer being used policy and see what happens

No longer needed

Find out what happens if an item had a superseded policy assigned before they went away, but physically arrived after this action has happen

No longer needed

With all the 28's to be flipped to 01's, there was a question as to whether the ones on reserve would return to Item Policy 28 or would they change to 01 after leaving their temporary Item Policies of 11 and temporary locations. Another way to put it is: Will changes made to (permanent) Item Policies stick to items that are under a Temporary Item Policy at the time the batch change is made, or will they revert to their pre-batch change Item Status?


I ran a test in the Sandbox and the answer is that the batch changes do indeed stick. I created a set of 8 Tozzer items, 6 of which were on Reserve (leaving 2 as the control group--Scientific Method, what's up?). Ran a Job on the set to make a Permanent change of Item Status to 01. Then I processed the reserve items off of reserves manually by going to the Scan In Items screen, choosing the Change Item tab, and the Restore function. Upon scanning each barcode, the now-former reserve items has their Item Status changed to 01.

Recommended practice or policy

Item Policies

Communication plan

Spruill Harder

  • Item Policy standardization and documentation
  • Get reports from Alma for live data
  • Reach out to library directors and cc Access
  • Give units until   to review their collections
  • Post-director contact will send out general communication to remind people about the new policies and to update their internal documentation
  • Reach out to local Access contacts to remind them this is coming