Fulfillment Wiki Page Cleanup

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FUWG Project Name: Fulfillment Wiki Page Cleanup 2023

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Brief description of project

Review pages in the LTS Alma Fulfillment functional area documentation: Fulfillment; update pages as necessary to align with current best practices/recommended workflows; retire pages that are no longer needed.

Scope of Pages for update

PageAssigned toStatusNotesQuestions
Access and Borrowing PrivilegesDevinDone

Perhaps the name of this page should be updated (maybe Access and Borrowing Loan Policies instead, to reflect the content?). This was done -JC

Alma Fulfillment - Major Differences from Alephskip

Alma Offline Circulation                       Jackson
corrected link for offline utility download, corrected file path for generated transaction file. Have not verified instructions for manually creating loans file. -JC
Alma Reading Room    DevinDoneadd link RE: Special Borrower requests (Lamont)
Billing: Fines and Fees              DevinDone

Claimed Return & Lost Items                JacksonDone

Fulfillment-related Searches     JacksonDone

Fulfillment-related system functions     Jackson
refers to a "work order implementation checklist" but no link. List of possible batch jobs for fulfillment needs review. (Kara will review)
Fulfillment Work OrdersRobDone

Fullfillment Notices and Letters            Jackson
Last updated 1/27/22, says "Ful Overdue and Lost Loan Letter" not active at that date, but isn't it active now? (Kara will review)
Hold Shelves    AndyDone

Items in Fulfillment Functions               JacksonDone

Library Hours in Alma   AndyDoneAppears to be periodically updated by LTS to reflect current date range.

Patron Records DevinDoneupdated the notifications section (Kara to review list of patron types)
Pick Lists          AndyDone

Processing Incoming Materials from BinsAndyDoneOnly minimal instructions, but fulfills the need (add a number on requested items and hold slips).
Proxies DevinDone(Add section on proxy requesting?)
Renewals          Jackson
Should it list max renewal period for all item policies (this info not on the item policies page here: Item Policies) Confirm that only 01 and 24 renew, all other loan policies do not renew? 
Requests          RobDoneRemoved outdated info about unfulfilled requests being auto-marked Missing if unfulfilled. (checked this with Kara Y.)
Resource Sharing         Kara

Returns AndyDone

Communication plan