2019/03/22 Minutes
2019/03/22 Minutes
Present: Susan P., Dorothy, Lewis, Adrien, Linda
Minutes: Adrien
- Susan suggested an article for discussion on performance management by Marcus Cunningham to be discussed next meeting
- April renovation news-- Horblitt collection moving to Hofer inner office; Pusey clean up (truck being scheduled for delivery to HD date TBD); Michael will start working for Susan P. on Monday;
- Adrien will be in touch with Allie regarding working with manuscripts for one day a week or more.
- Lewis arranged to have five of the blue bins moved out of Keats office, 3/22 (later amended to eleven).
- Michael and Allie are nearing the end of Fearing
- Start talking with staff about new space, how do they see it working for them
- Four managers of TS will work on use of shelving, tables, etc. in Pusey technical services with input from staff. Susan P. is taking on HD delivery questions.
- Please use the renovation email signature that Dale sent out
- Next department meeting is April 11th, Adrien will update on container management project and digital archivist memo
- Frances will beginning book hospital work, start date Monday, March 25, Fiona will be doing book end-processing
- Two flowcharts for how OTC digitization orders are handled are on TS wiki
- Read Suzanne Wones memo about suppression in Alma, Susan P. will set up meeting to discuss the cases where we suppress and what should we do
- Next Friday at 2pm, Lewis will host an appreciation party for Francis, Betts, Jennifer, and Allie and Michael (to celebrate the completion of Fearing).
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