Present: Adrien, Betts, Linda, Lewis
Minutes: Betts
- SMG updates
- Check-in about update and struggles with it
- Aeon
- Food and drink in reading room and consult room
- General reading room policies that might be unclear
- Department retreats
- Management
- Changes to Houghton Accessioning form for FY24 – Meg to lead
- Books with archival collections
- Making certain fields required
- Larger structural change (Lewis suggested) -
- Meg will reach out to various stakeholders for meetings and go from there
- March department meeting, review cultural norms, what else?
- Jamboards for discussion
- Mini-workshop on how to provide updates to your manager? (next meeting)
- All-group setting
- Discuss as a TS cultural norm
- Have a workshop possibly with HR working with us
- New workflow for auction purchases
- Getting the accession form filled out ahead of receipt, makes movement of material easier and simplifies communication across departments
- Currently piloting with a current purchase to assess
- Driven by the different timing of payment with auction purchases
- Think about how to manage this information for when Michael was out
- Onboarding assessment: let’s follow-up with Max
- Maybe better at 90 days
- Adrien will create a form, can happen with HR 90 days
- STW evaluation
- Quick update on how it’s going
- Supplies and form
- See email from Naomi, if material gets ordered from the wrong person, it will be resent to the correct person and sender informed
, multiple selections available,