2019/01/30 Minutes
2019/01/30 Minutes
Susan Pyzynski
Dorothy Berry (Minutes)
- Lewis Day
- Linda Isaac
- Adrien Hilton
- Agenda discussed for 2019/01/31 TS Staff Meeting
- Renovation Discussion
- New Temp Hires Discussion
- Linda I. ALA debrief
- 80/20 Project Discussion
- Susan P. reminded TS section managers to plan absences far in advance to accommodate moving and renovation
- Lewis D. hiring two temp (90 day) workers in advance of move, they should be starting in the next couple of weeks
- Adrien H. working on continuing projects; container project, hiring Processing Archivist, renovation planning
- Dorothy B. working on documentation, new digital projects program
- Linda I. has been out at ALA Midwinter, working on wedding BAL room reference materials
Action items
- Lewis to create tracking doc linked to TS wiki for printed material gifts by February 2.
- Susan to email curatorial department re: gift tracking
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