2023/06/21 Minutes
2023/06/21 Minutes
June 21, 2023
Present: Adrien, Betts, Lewis, Linda
Minutes: Betts
- AASC Open Houses planning
- Digitization program around colonialism
- Class request tool proposal
- Management
- Helpful questions for end of year conversations
- TS Department Meeting 6/26 agenda
- Updates: searches, Aeon update, Cataloger’s desktop, hold on holdings records for end of FY23
- Collaborative conversations follow-up
- Pusey Moat project
- Reading room workflows
- Subfield x notes
- Trouble for PS finding materials where location information is in 852 $$x
- Proposal to make them open, or just get a report to see what we could open up or put in a better place
- Potential project for Vernica: Isolate “shelved *” and see how many
- Also contain “RF” (reclassed from)
- Corrections request come through for those
- How to prioritize this - PS will have the opportunity to prioritize reports
- Student projects/fall
- Potential for MS Section shared student
- Timing isn’t limited to start of fall
- Improving scanner situation to allow for additional students and scanning on mezzanine
- Bibfile movement
, multiple selections available,