2021/07/23 Minutes
2021/07/23 Minutes
- Flexwork schedules to be turned in by end of day today, SMG (minus Tom will review) and then SMG (with Tom) will review, likely start will be early September
- Zoom should be default for TS meetings in the fall. If needed, consultation rooms or other rooms can be booked for quiet space. Headphones are available as well.
- TS meeting will be moved to Aug 23, 2021
Dorothy: digitization is going well, meeting with Maggie to start scheduling in the projects that were slated pre-COVID-19, grant stuff is going well (first two student writers submitted writing), Monday-Wednesday will be at Rare Book School
Linda: Section is adjusting to onsite workflows, at linked data conference all week, Vernica is running batch jobs
Lewis: Michael working on supplies, if you need the odd or end supply contact Lewis, looking at student hiring (only essential functions in fall no students for special projects until spring)
Adrien: Black face minstrelsy testing almost complete, finalizing the combined accessioning form next Wed. testing will begin with a hopeful roll out in September, FY22 priority planning for TS
, multiple selections available,