

Present: Susan, Dorothy, Adrien (minutes), Linda, Lewis

  • Planning the agenda for Monday (12/14) TS Department meeting
  • In January, we’ll look at the FY21 priorities, making sure we’re on track


Dorothy: submitted advancing open knowledge grant extending research possibilities for SAEF digitization project

Linda: MARC clean-up going well with pamphlet project, Jennifer and Andrea drafting authorities wiki, Christina L. moved onto "bound with" project

FYI OCLC data sync for Houghton slated for January or February

Lewis: onsite work going well, all payments should have gone through for calendar year; clearing our physical areas in Pusey; Amanda from Widener will start making phase boxes for us; DIBAR training on hold until December waiting on budget requests; StEM group transitioned to committee, resuming activity in January; some sets can go to HD in January

Action Items

Adrien will get in touch with Vernica about report of all Manuscripts for this year, we need to ensure all provisional records created after April have 914

Linda will send general OCLC data sync email in January to all of department