Attending: Dorothy, Lewis (minutes), Adrien, Linda, Susan.
- On vacation soon
- Houghton staff event upcoming; staff should feel free to attend to their level of comfort.
- Tom is working with folks for the upcoming Arts/Special Collections meeting and future events.
- Work continues with Dorothy, Mary, and Kate regarding patron scanning.
- Working with Lily/Shalimar on JSTOR.
- There will be upcoming communication from Senior Managers regarding a library norm for out-of-office messaging.
- Work on staff development funding continues.
- A way is needed to coordinate priorities scheduling, because planning is Imaging’s hands.
- Minstrelsy Project: a process for adding new material as Matt continues to make purchases.
- Curatorial decisions need to be properly communicated.
- Dorothy has received the Alumni Award from the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University.
- Norms conversation: the draft was sent to Section Heads for comment. Adrien will post to the Wiki.
- We need to discuss the possibility of getting (for staff who want them) small whiteboards for silent communication of availability for interruption.
- Priorities-tracking projects: 2-3 priories per curatorial unit, with current acquisitions taking precedence.
- The Manuscripts Section is getting rid of the COVID Backlog.
- Working with Vicki to clear processing backlogs.
- Betts has completed her Minstrelsy work.
- A scrapbook collection obtained from WIidener.
- Joint statement on harmful language in Harvard materials: perhaps a project can be led by Jerome; her group has a meeting with him in October.
- Old accessions continue to be cataloged.
- Linda will revisit the correction forms next week with Jennifer and Adrien
- Movement on adding Enslaved persons (from the African Studies Thesaurus) terms to be added as local heading from an authorized thesaurus; wiki to be updated.
- MSWG is in favor of an event with Jerome.
- Incoming collections receipts are rebounding.
- Supplies: end-processing, conservation, and office supplies are also increasing.
- All students (2: Digital Projects; 1: Manuscripts; 1-books end-processing) have been hired into PeopleSoft and begun work.
- New students have received an updated list of Houghton student staff norms, including PeopleSoft entry. Lewis will continue approving all time for students in TS.
- Two forms are in development:
- Supplies requests, and
- New student hire requests.
- DIWG/SPARC work continuing for an early December event conducted by Sofia Leung which will be Houghton-funded and SPARC-wide in attendance. There will be a cap of 60 attendees. Sofia is planning a preliminary conversation with BIPOC staff.
- Out the week of October 18-22.
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