Section Heads - April 4, 2023
Section Heads - April 4, 2023
Present: Adrien, Betts, Linda, Lewis
Minutes: Lewis
- SMG updates
- Plans underway for Naomi’s departure:
- Naomi is creating an operations board to help guide processes during the interim.
- The position will be posted soon, ahead of the searches for the department heads.
- Consultation Room staffer will be redeployed to the Reading Room during especially busy times. Details to come.
- Appointment system model in the Reading Room is on hold until new Aeon update.
- Plans underway for Naomi’s departure:
- Management
- It’s helpful for staff to remember to keep a Google doc of agenda issues/talking points for meetings/feedback with managers. Updating can be on a rolling basis.
- It’s helpful for staff to remember to keep a Google doc of agenda issues/talking points for meetings/feedback with managers. Updating can be on a rolling basis.
- Norms for Open Office revision
- Adrien will share the revised Open Office Norms document with staff.
- Calendars
- Should be used for absences; don’t list Reading Room and other shifts in the Houghton campus.
- Adrien will delete the superfluous calendar.
- TS Departmental meeting 4/10
- Melanie and Betts to report on NEA
- Agendas
- Collaborative conversations debrief
- Bookplates (Vicki and Michael)
- Max, Adrien, Lewis may talk about/field questions about the TS service integration report (as needed)